Photoshop Tutorial: What is Gradient Map

What is Gradient Map? Gradient Map is an adjustment layer that gives an effect to an image altering the color with a gradient.In gradient map, it has two colors by default. but you can add more than two colors. To add a new color to the gradient, click on the lower side of the gradient ribbon. In gradient map, from the left to right there is shadow color . mid tone color and highlight color respectively. If you add any color between the shadow color and highlight color is called Mid Tone color To add color , click on the handle and click on the color. Select the color and Click Ok To add this gradient to custom gradient, click on New . There are two option Reverse and Dither. Reverse that reverses the gradient map that reverses the highlight color to shadow color. Dither that add more noise to the image to make it smoother. After adding gradient map on an image, reduce the opacity to get the effect. The gradient map is one of th...